Kwakwaka’wakw (kwok-wok-ya-wokw) people use the cedar tree for many different purposes. It is sacred to the Kwakwaka’wakw because of all it provides. Is there a plant or tree that you feel grateful for?
Written by author is Bobbie Wildman, Kwakwaka'wakw (Kwakiutl), Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw.
Educator & Series Information
Recommended for intermediate students (grades 4-6).
The Cedar Tree Our Culture, Our Tree is part of the Strong Stories: Kwakwaka’wakw series. Strong Stories focus on different First Nation territories from across Canada and the United States. These stories reflect the belief that our stories are the roots of our people, our lands and our cultures. It is from our stories that we grow and become strong and proud.